Thursday, December 1, 2011

Breast Cancer Benefit

This year I helped with a Pink Night to Remember on March 4th. To benefit breast cancer. It was a lot of work, but a fun time and we raised over $30,000.00. Pretty cool.

Tassie's Bridal Shower

I hosted Tassie's bridal shower at our house on February 26th. It was tons of fun with lots of guests and presents. Just a few pictures taken.

Kahlotus Shooting Range

Kolin's been looking at getting a bow and Eric's father in law has one so we met them at the shooting range to try it out. And of course we had to do some shooting while we were there too. Boys and their toys!


We sure aren't fans of Eastern Washington, but man the sunsets are to die for. This was in March.

Our friend Luke Watson decided he was going to take on a food eating challenge at one of the local resturants 6' Degrees. It was a mound of food and he finished about half. It was a great reason for a bunch of friends to get together for dinner. Fun times...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

UFC 126

Kolin had the opportunity in February to meet one of his best friends, Kaz Kiser in Vegas for his 1st ever UFC fight. Over the past few years Kolin's become a big fan so it was pretty cool that he was able to meet up with Kaz and attend the fight. Silva vs. Belford. Kolin said it was a great card and one of the coolest experiences ever. They stayed in "old" Vegas on Fremont street at The Golden Nugget. One of the biggest highlights (well besides the fight) was seeing some old man in a wheelchair get stabbed by his wife and hauled away by the cops. I guess nothings off limits in Vegas =)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Couer D' Alene

Kolin and I went out for a drink Friday night before my b-day. Couldn't resist a pic with the big guy!

Silver Mountain

On top of the slop. Beautiful.
Heading up.
This little town on our way up. Can't remember the name.

We took our first trip to Silver Mt. in Kellogg Idaho with Tassie and Nate over my birthday. The gondola is one of the longest in the world. It took about 30 minutes to get to the top. A little freaky, but very cool. None of us know how to sky or snowboard so we went tubing. They had a magic carpet that took you from the bottom back to the top. Great invention!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


January 2011 Quinn left for the Marines. So before he went Kolin and I took him to Bone Fish for dinner. So proud of you Quinny...